

How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin

How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin

How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin Dry skin is one of those common winter ailments that are at best, annoying, and at worst, actually painful. When your skin doesn’t retain enough of it’s naturally occurring, protective oils, then moisture literally escapes from it. And when there isn’t enough water in the outer layer of your skin, it becomes dry, cracked, scaly, and downright uncomfortable. This situation only intensifies during the winter in climates where the humidity levels are lower and temperatu
How To Treat Dry Skin On Your Face

How To Treat Dry Skin On Your Face

How To Treat Dry Skin On Your Face If you live in a “four season climate”, Old Man Winter has definitely made his appearance in your neighborhood. With the snap in temperature outside and a bit (or more) of snowfall already, you may find yourself staring in the mirror with dismay. Seemingly overnight, those tiny little laugh lines and crow’s feet suddenly appear like deep crevices on your face.  For those that use makeup, you may be finding it more difficult to achieve that