

How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin

How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin

How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin Dry skin is one of those common winter ailments that are at best, annoying, and at worst, actually painful. When your skin doesn’t retain enough of it’s naturally occurring, protective oils, then moisture literally escapes from it. And when there isn’t enough water in the outer layer of your skin, it becomes dry, cracked, scaly, and downright uncomfortable. This situation only intensifies during the winter in climates where the humidity levels are lower and temperatu
New York Empire State Tattoo Expo 2019

New York Empire State Tattoo Expo 2019

New York Empire State Tattoo Expo 2019 On July 19th – 21st at the New York Hilton in Midtown Manhattan, Hustle Butter joined hundreds of other world renowned tattoo artists and vendors for one of the biggest tattoo shows of the year. “NY Empire State Tattoo The 5th Year anniversary show!!! Hustle Butter was there with Team Hustle on Hustle Row. Basically the most Brilliant Artists from around the globe. We came, We Hustled, We took Best of Show. You can’t knock the Hustle!” – Ric
How Much Do Tattoos Cost ?

How Much Do Tattoos Cost ?

How Much Do Tattoos Cost? Answering the question of “how much a tattoo costs” is akin to answering “how long does it take for your tattoo to heal”. In a nutshell, the answers are all over the place and there are more variables that can even be spelled out sufficiently in this space. That being said, there are some generally accepted price ranges and factors to use as a reference when trying to determine how much a tattoo will cost. The range in tattoo prices stems from many different varia
How To Stop A Tattoo From Fading

How To Stop A Tattoo From Fading

How To Keep Tattoos From Fading So, you want to know what are the secrets and tips of the trade to avoid your tattoo from fading? Well, let’s just debunk one myth right from the start. There is no way to stop a tattoo from fading, because just like your skin and so many other parts of your body, tattoos do age as well over time, and fading is just a fact you need to accept from the get go. That being said, it’s not all downhill from the day you get tattooed. There are definitely a handf
Guide to Tattoo Numbing Cream & Foam

Guide to Tattoo Numbing Cream & Foam

Guide to Tattoo Numbing Cream & Foam The truth hurts. Tattoos hurt. Whether you know from past experience, or you’ve asked around to get the honest truth, you probably know this by now, and it likely is not stopping you from taking the next step. How painful is it?  That depends to some extent on the size of the tattoo and where it will be on your body. Maybe you consider yourself a person with a high threshold for pain, or you like the idea of “toughing it out” or developing your “